On September 4th, the America China Hotel Association Corp. held a dinner party at Golden Unicorn to celebrate the Mid-autumn Festival in advance. For thousands of years, people would reunite with family and friends and have a grand festival feast. It was a good time...
On February 22nd, the America China Hotel Association Corp. held the annual Lunar New Year Celebration dinner at Golden Unicorn. It is a traditional way of celebrating the new year and reconnecting with friends and family. The annual dinner gave the Association the...
2018年10月18日晚,美国酒店总商会全商联假席曼哈顿下城金丰大酒楼,筵开數十桌,举行年度庆祝晚会。庆典包括酒会和晚宴两个时段,各行各业精英云集,包括酒店从业者、酒店管理高层、银行家、律师、建筑师、商家等六百多位的嘉宾到贺,政商名流,衣香鬓影,高朋满座,大气磅薄。 商会把金丰大酒店布置成了五星级酒店的标准年会 美国酒店总商会的愿景和成就...
2018年9月25日,由亚洲房地产专业协会(AREPA)主办的社交晚宴在位于Park Avenue的Herrick, Feinstein LLP.举行。来自美国不同地区的房地产行业相关人士纷纷出席了本次活动。林氏集团董事会主席兼首席执行官林建中作为特邀嘉宾出席了本次活动。 亚洲房地产专业协会(AREPA)是一家非营利性专业协会。 AREPA成立的目的是为房地产行业的亚洲人以及任何有兴趣从事房地产行业的人士建立一个交流的论坛。 AREPA于1995年底由创始人Tony Huang和Patrick...
America China Hotel Association Corp.’s hosts Premiere Annual Gala
The city and nation’s top-tier hoteliers, real estate and development professionals were honored at a gala event in Flushing on Wednesday night. The America China Hotel Association Corp. held its Premiere Annual Gala at Terrace at the Park on Nov. 8. Hosted and...
8月16日,中美酒店总商会在Wyndham Garden Hotel的会议厅举行了新闻发布会。中美酒店总商会会长林建中、理事长苏焕光、副会长罗荣恩、赵尔尚、秘书长王晓华、理事Mike Wong、Willy Wang、伍锡富、梅玮雄等及秘书长助理张梦娴出席本次新闻发布会。张梦娴秘书主持会议,多名社区领袖及拥有20多份外文报刊的传媒女王Schneps Communication首席执行官Victoria出席本次会议。星岛日报、世界日报、侨报、明报、全球华视、委中资讯网及今日看点等多家华文媒体受邀参加此次新闻发布会。...