Member List Members Board of Directors 會長 Chairman 林建中 John Lam John Lam is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Lam Group. Recognizing the development opportunities within New York City, John led the Lam Group into partnering with top national luxury hotel companies (such as Starwood Hotels & Resorts, Marriott International and Hilton Hotels) to develop modern, stylish and affordable hotel accommodations. With this concept in mind, the Lam Group acquired underutilized assets and transformed these assets into first-class branded hotels. Over the past two decades, the Lam Group developed over 25 hotels, adding millions into the local economy and creating over 2,000 permanent new jobs through its hotel division alone. Tel: (212)-274-3000 名譽會長 Honornary Chairman 黃勵華 Peter Wong President of Keck Seng Group - North America, Keck Song Group of Hotels 張善良 Sam Chang Chairman of McSam Group 林建新 Jason Lin 新富源国际集团,闽富集团及美国杰奥斯集团董事局主席 理事長 President 蘇煥光 William Su Owner of Wyndham Garden Chinatown, Chairman of Myanmar Chinese Association, President of World Hakka Association 常務副會長 Senior Vice Chairman 羅恩榮 Derek Law Owner of Hotel Richland, C.L Insurance Agency Inc., Ci Ci Medical Spa 副會長 Vice Chairman 謝菊寶 Jubao Xie Executive Chairman of Hysendal Enterprises 陳世品 Daniel Chen Owner of Fushimi Japanese Cuisine & Lounge, Wyndham Hotel Brooklyn 趙汝尚 Bentley Zhao Chairman and CEO of New Empire Development Group 劉增棋 Johnny Liu President of Golden Unicorn Restaurant Group (美國麒麟飲食集團) 顧慶生 Jason Ku President of HNW Industry Inc., FLYP Sportswear Inc. 劉馨 Cynthia Liu Vice President, Brand Operations. Wyndham Grand and Wyndham 余立 Lily Yu Vice President, Acquisition and Development of Hersha Hospitality Trust Ian Cheng President of Midtown Properties Investment Development Management and CEO of Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott New York Manhattan/Chelsea 王偉 Willy Wong President of Glen Cove Mansion 商會顧問 Advisor 王培 Charles Wang President of Chinese American Cultural & Art Association 張建明 Jianming Zhang 明宇集团董事长、总裁 錢建農 Jiannong Qian 复星国际高级副总裁、复星旅游及商业集团总裁、中国动力基金联席总裁、法国地中海控股集团董事长、法国Folli Follie全球董事 李國華 Guohua Li 深圳市地铁商业管理有限公司总经理 冼鋒 Feng Xian CEO of China Commercial Group (Asia) Investment CO., LTD 陳國慶 Guoqing Chen Founder of HNA Group, Chairman of HNA Group North America, Vice Chairman & CEO Pacific American Corp. Ben Seidel President and CEO of Real Hospitality Group 董事 Board Members 劉虹 Margaret Liu President of Battery Park Realty, Founder of Assoc. of U.S. Listed Chinese Companies, Board Director of Chinese American Real Estate Assoc. 王文華 Mike Wong 蘇蜜凌 Darlene Su 梅瑋雄 Wayne Moy 美東江門五邑青年聯合會會長, 紐約製衣業總商會副會長, 從事製衣業、快餐連鎖店、地產、建築材料20多年,業務遍佈中國、美國紐約、佛羅里達。 陸國雄 Hung Luk Vicki Schneps CEO of Schneps Communications Terry Tang CEO & Founder of Bruce Cost Ginger Ale, CEO of Brooklyn Food & Beverage Lawrence Luo, CPA Henry Wong Daniel Yang, M.D Ph.D President of G2 BioPharma Services Inc. and G2-IMH Innovative MedHealth 林家強 Dr. Llex Lam Founder & Managing Partner of iEnterprise(大同企業) 陳國勁 Scott Chan Bay Star Realty Inc-President. Bay Star Consultants Inc-President. 紐約製衣業縂商會祕書及執行董事,美東江門五邑青年聯合會顧問,中國留學生服務中心董事 Stephen Chan CEO of 文廣傳播集團,President of 邊際建材(廣州)實業有限公司,快剪工坊(中國)連鎖集團有限公司 JJ Lin Bareburger organic franchises CEO(FH) Michelin star chef 盧美旭 Michelle Lu 旅美大提琴演奏家,美國國際藝術中心創始人。 司徒素莫 Susan Szeto General manager of SMC STONE Importer Distributor & Fabricator Yu Ming Cai President of Bon Voyage USA, Inc., Bao Di Int'l Group, Inc., Empire Luggage New York 曾子騰 Michael Zeng Vice President of Jiangmen Wuyi Youth Association of Eastern USA (美東江門五邑青年聯合會) Judy Ng Senior Vice President and Area manager of Asian Market of FLUSHING Bank 梅小明 Richard Mei President of Suntour International Inc. (陽光巴士旅遊) 程嘉韵 Frank Ng President of 聂榮大富批發公司,味千拉麵,Aloft Hotel Midtown Tam Heung Sang Liquor Wholesaler Departments 秘書 Secretary 李雨辰 Maggie Li Senior studying Hotel & Tourism Management at NYU, Photographer Chair of HSMAI NYU 曾楚平 Irving Tsang Nuclear Consulting Engineer of DERADS Consulting Services, LLC Sophia Kao Working at J.C. Capital (君誠資本) Yilia Li Journalism Student at GWU Bessie Yan Student at NYU Rachel Xing Student at NYU 徐思敏 Jasmine Xu Agent of New York Life Insurance Company 法律顧問 Legal Counsel 林玉珍 Lisa Lim Partner of Akerman LLP 方兆明 Mark Fang, Esq. Director of Westchester County Department of Consumer Protection. 公共關係 Public Relations 王曉華 Wyan Wang Leary Zheng 市場營銷 Marketing 李博雅 Boya Li Marketing Manager of Abacus Federal Savings Bank(國賓銀行) 石维雯 Vivian Shi Senior majoring in Finance at Baruch College, 2018 Miss Chinese USA 2nd place (2018美国华裔小姐亚军) 財政 Audit 林建成 Keith Lam Managing Director, Construction of Lam Group Simon Leung Senior Vice President, Relationship Manager of Commercial Banking Group, Wells Fargo Lawrence Luo, CPA 醫療健康 Health & Medical Daniel Yang, M.D Ph.D President of G2 BioPharma Services Inc. and G2-IMH Innovative MedHealth 地產股投資幹事 Real Estate Stocks Investment Officer Hui Cathy Sun Sales Representative of CHINESEINVESTORS.COM 杨丹妮 Danni Yang Account Manager of Epay World